Metacoms is a fully functional communication platform that gives you the best of the metaverse
Introducing MetaComs
Centralized systems have been the systems that all businesses have adopted in the past. System flaws allow decentralized systems to take over. The world really needs a decentralized communication system where user privacy is highly expected. Transparency is the backbone of business and there is a need for an effective communication infrastructure in the world. This will facilitate business growth. In this article, I will discuss the Matacoms platform.
Matacoms is a decentralized communication platform integrated with the Metaverse protocol and various digital stores that allow users to monetize Metaverse.
MatacComs is turning the tide in Meta and the world of communications. Many amazing features are embedded in the Matacoms platform. Matacoms will offer a Meta App store, NFT platform, VR, face verification and more. Obviously the future of the internet is the Metaverse and this is one of the reasons Matacoms doesn't want to stand out from the crowd. This platform will offer the world's best Metaverse platform with a wide range of products and services.
Matacoms will enrich users with the best Metaverse platform. Metaverse users will be able to earn unlimited income. Developers can develop their applications with the Matacoms ecosystem. They can also access a wide variety of NFTs on the platform. Users can also trade their NFT.
Interesting Facts about MetaComs
Matacoms has many features that make it stand out from the crowd in the ecosystem. Among the features id Metaverse 3D is aiming to become the new standard in the future. Users will be able to join rooms and enjoy bars on the platform. Users can also create their own meeting rooms, shops, living rooms and more. Metaverse 3D makes interactions more enjoyable in the ecosystem. Matacoms is designed with the concept of rewarding platform users the more they explore the platform. Users will be able to access many of the platform's features such as Digital Stores, decentralized communication systems, P2P exchanges, and more. Apart from that users will be able to enjoy 3RD Party VR Engines, users will be able to initiate any data they want to share with others like classmates, business partners, colleagues. User can create room and invite others to watch Game. Matacoms also allows Peer to Peer trading and digital asset transfer. All features to ensure safe and secure transactions in the ecosystem are enabled on the Matacoms platform.
Matacoms supports NFT on their platform. NFts will be imported into 3D space. Users will be able to bring their NFT art gallery into a personalized 3D space. It allows users to create and mine NFTs. Users can also trade them on MataPlace. NFT in Matacoms ecosystem allows users for more functions which also allows them to earn passive income.
Matacoms is built on a secure blockchain that offers the best environment for gamers and general users of the ecosystem. Text is not stored, meaning it is completely decentralized. The information data exchanged is not stored on any central server, thus guaranteeing user privacy.
METAC Token: This is the native cryptocurrency of the Matacoms platform. It is a Binance Smart Chain token that can be used to buy NFTs and unlock several features and opportunities in the ecosystem. P2P Cryptocurrency transfers are carried out using METAC tokens.
Recent issues with Metaverse
On the other hand, there are still many problems with the current state of the Metaverse. It is supposed to protect users from scammers. However, it may be difficult for a person to know if the Avatar they see matches the person's real identity on the other hand because it is difficult to check if the facial features are fake or real. Being completely digital complicates matters as checking a person's identity and, at the same time, providing privacy to that person may not be appropriate.
Since Metaverse is still in its early stages of development, it lacks an essential feature — an app store. Naturally, problems create opportunities. The company that was the first user of the Metaverse has great potential to slice up a large part of the new market, just as Android is occupying the app market by introducing their own app store.
NFT is the best way to facilitate payments on Metaverse. However, P2P crypto transfers are also required in many occasions, as well as advanced security that relies solely on blockchain integrity. There are thefts and security breaches in the NFT industry because the decentralized NFT market has to deal with centralized intermediaries. The latter is responsible for a security leak that causes users to lose their NFT. So, again, centralized platforms are a potential threat in the Metaverse.
Metacom's solution to current Metaverse problems
Metacoms is built on blockchain, which makes the platform security very tight, and the 2D POC of P2P crypto transfers in their platform space is already active. Their NFT is unique in that it is in GLB format. It is a 3D format that you can import into your own space and share 3D data with others.
Security remains an ongoing issue with Metaverse, and it should be addressed sooner, better. When you participate in the life of the Metaverse, you need to know who enters your space, and you must decide who you let in and who you don't. It should become mandatory in spaces like gambling or speed dating. The identity of the person and their age must be confirmed. For that, verified facial features for Avatar should be introduced.
The solutions that Metacoms plans to roll out will include voluntary KYC checks and verified facial scans to go live in the first quarter of 2023. Another solution is the Meta app store, which will give thousands of app developers the opportunity to develop and generate revenue from Metaverse. As a result, Metaverse will be available to work for all developers around the world, and it will make a big leap in development.
Right now, unused parcels make the Metaverse feel empty. The solution is to spend more time in the Metaverse and, in doing so, move the parcel to the center of the map. This will make the Metaverse more interesting and lively for both newcomers and existing users.
Income model
Free token sale
Sistem NFT
- B2B and B2C by users, Subscription revenue model
- Premium features, e.g. multiple connected plans, fixed location for plans, more users allowed for one plan, etc.
- They are sold in large quantities (NFT boxes) to consumers, for B2C sales
Custom Building
- B2B, Production revenue model and Transaction Cost Revenue Model
for resale. - Custom built buildings equipped with AI Features and staff,
Casinos, Chat Houses, Offices, Shops, etc. - Sold B2B as NFT, resold 10% royalty fee.
NFT Art and NFT Apps, NFT Custom Spaces & Avatars (Features or Gadgets)
- B2C by user, Transaction Fee Revenue Model.
- The designer or creator receives a 10% royalty fee on resale.
- Overall 2% NFT Fee for sales and resale.
NFT Goods and Services
- B2C by user, Transaction Fee Revenue Model.
- The first seller receives a 10% royalty fee on resale.
- Overall 2% NFT Fee for sales and resale.
Token Token Name: Metacoms
Price: BSC (BEP-20)
Ticker: METAC
Price per Metac: 0.12 USD
The last thought,
Matacoms has been developed to address challenges in Communication systems. It aims to offer an embedded Metaverse powered communication platform with amazing features. The platform has been designed with a soul aimed at offering efficiency in services and enabling users, investors to enjoy a high level of sustainability. Users will get rewarded the more they use the platform. This is truly a game-changing innovation. #Metacoms $ METAC #Metaverse _APP #Metaverse #blockchian #crypto #BNB #cryptolife #BUSD #BSC
NFT #001 Plutonium
NFT Box Selling 10 times, 8 units of premium parcels combined for 1,000 users.
The regular price is $ 500 a year for 10 times $ 5,000.
Includes 41,667 METAC tokens ($5000) a vesting period of one year after purchase.
NFT #002 Uranium
NFT Box Selling 20 times, 4 units of premium parcels combined for 200 users.
The regular price is $ 100 a year for 20 times $ 2,000.
Includes 16,334 METAC tokens ($2,000) 1 year vesting period after purchase.
NFT #003 Neptunium
NFT Box Sell 30 times, 50 users instead of the standard 20 users allowed on the plan.
The regular price is $ 50 a year for 30 times $ 1,500.
Includes 6,250 METAC tokens ($1,500) 1 year vesting period after purchase.
NFT #004 Thorium
NFT Box Sell 20 times, 1 parcel at premium location fixed for a year.
The regular price is $ 50 for 20 times $ 1,000.
Includes 8,333 METAC tokens ($1,000) 1 year vesting period after purchase.
NFT #005 Nobelium
NFT Box Selling 50 pcs packs yet to fly on Metaverse.
Regular price is $ 10 for 50 pcs $ 500.
Includes 4,166 METAC tokens ($500) one year vesting period after purchase.

Digital goods or services and materials at NFT
NFT or Token payment also by card
Sell tickets to the public and let the public predict the winner
Living space
Build your living room like the real thing, with extra's
Digital goods or services and materials at NFT
NFT or direct payment also by card
Sell tickets to the public and let the public predict the winner

Because the Metaverse has grown so rapidly, the Metacoms platform opens the Metaverse to every developer's skill and creativity.
Metacoms is a fully functional communication platform embedded with Metaverse features and multiple digital stores for you to monetize Metaverse.
Metaverse app development with 3 tiers of user interface and App store for users to sell their apps as NFT.
Create and sell your NFT in your own Space. Once your NFT is sold, it will also be added to MetaPlace so that everyone can find it.
Token Purchase Option
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